Walking Festivals in Israel

Walking Festivals in Israel

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Walking Festivals in Israel

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International Gilboa Walk

From April 1
to April 2, 2022
Each year, tens of thousands of marchers from Israel and abroad partake in this exciting event held against the magical landscape of Mount Gilboa reserve’s lush, picturesque paths and vantage points overlooking the most beautiful panoramic views of Israel. The Gilboa Walk takes place in the spring, when the violet Gilboa Iris, one of the most beautiful flowers in Israel, is in bloom. The mountain slopes are at their greenest and the hikers can gaze on the magnificent view of Jezre’el Valley with Ein Harod and Kfar Yehezkel, the fields and plantations, water ponds and forests. The track of the Gilboa march crosses the Gilboa woods and nature reserve of the Gilboa. To the delight of all participants, a lively and fun event for the whole family is held at the finish point  of the walk in M...