With less than 468 km2, Andorra is a small country. He could easily pose in a quadrat of 22x22 km. But, however, i say això, ANDORRA, is a country of great mountains. The Alçada Mitjana of the Andorran territory is 2,000 meters from Gairebé. It is the fifth country in the world with the highest mitjana. There are more than 70 peaks that exceed 2,500 altitude meters and some 80 high mountain lakes. Once a moat the neu hi trobem l'espai ideal for the practice of hiking.
We can also visit three great protected natural spaces, the Vall de Sorteny Natural Park, the Valls de Comapedrosa Natural Park and the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley, the latter, UNESCO World Heritage Site. Between d'altres, 21 romániques churches and a group of museums (20 in total) reflect the way of life, costumes and t...