Walking Festivals in Belgium

Walking Festivals in Belgium

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Walking Festivals in Belgium

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Wandel3daagse Deinze

From May 23
to May 25, 2023

Vierdaagse Yser

From August 22
to August 25, 2023
The Vierdaagse Yser is an international march organised by the Belgian Defence, in partnership with the municipality of Koksijde and the cities of Diksmuide, Poperinge and Ypres. This annual activity on the coast and in the Westhoek is open to civilian as well as military participants from Belgium and abroad and pursues three main goals: - Strengthening the relationship between the Belgian Defence and the society by bringing military and civilian participants together during a shared sporting activity. - Commemorating with great respect the people who perished during the two World Wars, in particular those who fell in the Westhoek during World War I. - Helping walkers uncover the historical and tourism value of the Westhoek and the southwest coast.