Wandel4daagse Diever – Drents-frisian Would

The routes from Diever are in the national parks of the Drents-Friese Wold and the Dwingelderveld and through the rural nature reserves of Ooster- and Westerzand, Leggelderveld and the Holtingerveld.

Diever, Netherlands
From May 25 to
May 28, 2023
4 days
Difficult Levels: Hard, Moderate
Landscape: National Park


Wandel4daagse Diever – Drents-frisian Would

Receipt/start: Group accommodation “Het Kasteel”,
Kasteel 19, 7981 AN Diever (www.hetkasteeldiever.nl)
Distances You can choose from 4 distances:

40 km - start between 07:00 – 09:00
30 km - start between 07:30 – 09:30
20 km - start between 08:30 – 11:00
12 km - start between 09:30 – 12:00

Distances may be changed daily; rest areas after approximately every 7 km.

Registration fee Four Days
Three Days
Two Days
One Day
until 15-05-2022

€ 16.00
€ 14.00
€ 12.00
€ 6.00

during the 4 days

€ 20.00
€ 18.00
€ 15.00
€ 8.00

On presentation of your membership card of the KWBN walking association you will receive a discount of € 0.25 per day.

Medal / badge / sticker for sale on site.

Bank account number for transfer of registration fee NL25 RABO 0313 7245 71 in the name of St. Sport Promotie Diever stating "vierdaagse"



The (pre)registration for the Wandel4daagse is now closed, but registration is still possible on Wednesday 25 May from 13.00 to 18.00 at the start and on the days of the four days
Overnight: It is possible to spend the night in group accommodation "Het Kasteel" (max. 48 people). The costs are Eur 22.50 per person per day (incl. breakfast, packed lunch and tourist tax).
Other information: The walking tours are held under the auspices of the Koninklijke Wandel Bond Nederland

We stamp IVV!

Diever, Netherlands


Wandel4daagse Diever – Drents-frisian Would